This Year...another fantastic one!

January 10, 2011

It is 10:30pm, I am looking at the window and seeing a slice of moon growing strong in the sky....very white as the snow that I see right below....tons and tons of white snow...
2011 started warm around here, but the cold and the snow didn't wait too long, and tonight, we'll have -34 degrees! So, I am thinking on all the things I will be doing "indoors" these next few days....hopefully catching up with Custom Doll orders!!!
Wonderful 2011 is here and here we go MamAmor!!!....Ready for another fantastic year! This will be a year of changes, on the personal and on the business ready!
A few conferences and shows are still to be confirmed for this year, but MamAmor will travel out of Canada a couple of times for sure, maybe more, depending on how much work awaits here at home. I'll share the details when things are confirmed, I am still working on it.
I'll be working on a bigger MamAmor team this year, as the center of the business, these amazing mama helpers who work so hard to make sure each mama leaves as its best; thanks Janine, Jenny Rae, Lisa, Anne, Niko and Graciela for your work of love.
I'll be writing a long post about How MamAmor Dolls are made very soon, I have been thinking about that for a long time, I just need the time to put together some pictures and to write a few paragraphs about the making of my amazing mamas....Can't wait to share that with you!
I'll be posting deadlines for Christmas Order for next year very soon... already? Yes!!! already! I'll be traveling south for the holidays this year so Christmas orders will be done earlier, for instance, the orders will have to come earlier! More to come on this, but I thought I would let you know in advance just in case you are thinking about a MamAmor as a gift for next Christmas.
And of course, we'll have at few Giveaways for our fabulous friends! Stay tuned for details on the first one coming up very soon!
Moon is gone...snow is still here...and I need to get to my white white...but can't wait for the colors of the spring!
Back soon...