March 03, 2017




  1. "Instead of setting a "BF for a year" goal, set mini goals: one week, one month, two months, etc. each time you hit your mini goal, you can set a new one and its amazing how quickly all of those mini goals add up to a year+” Katie MC


  1. “Find a support person who will be captain of your cheering squad. Celebrate your BF goals and victories, and lean on them when you just want to give up!” Amie K


  1. “Don't give up on your hardest day” Erica B


  1. “Watch your baby, not the clock” Katie G


  1. “Comfort nursing is okay” Allyssa S


  1. “Locate a good IBCLC to support you, and educate yourself about breastfeeding before birth” Amanda B


  1. “When it feels absolutely horrible and hopeless, TALK with someone! It's okay to feel like crap, but you shouldn't keep it to yourself ” Terese E


  1. “It hurts and is difficult in the beginning. But it does get better” Anna-Elizabeth S


  1. “Even when you think that baby can't possibly need to eat any more, put that baby to breast! All those snacks help establish your supply!” Brenda W


  1. “If you are committed, stick with it and use the breastfeeding clinic if you are having any issues. And learn to breastfeed side laying, you will be so much more rested” Raeny I


  1. “If weight gain and diaper output is good, you have enough milk and baby is getting enough. Surround yourself with supportive people. You can't nurse too often. If you're struggling, reach out for qualified support” Sarah CW


  1. “It gets better. The first two weeks can suck and you will be more tired than you thought possible but it is so incredibly worth it, ask for help!!” Jessa E


  1. “If you feel like something is off, get help sooner rather than later. See an LC, reach out to your local LLL, etc. Waiting will make things worse!” Samm WW


  1. “It's tough in the beginning but it really does get easier... Don't give up!” Taylor C


  1. “If there is a group in your area then join it. Great to be around other breastfeeders” Chelsea B


  1. “Stay in bed. Keep the baby close. This is not the time to share the baby with everyone. Rest. Heal. Drink lots of water” Allison G


  1. “Give it all you can, but don't feel like a failure if you can't or don't want to” Gia W


  1. “It's OK to ask for help... No matter how much knowledge you have” Angela B


  1. “Babies are learning too!” Dominyk D


  1. “It gets better. It won't hurt forever” Lucy B


  1. “One day at a time. It gets better” Lala MC


  1. “Just keep feeding and keep feeding and keep feeding! Enjoy those little soft hands and feet and adorable face looking up or milk drunk! Just keep feeding and keep feeding! Tune out the world and let it be time just for you and baby! Those time fly so fast!” Chai K


  1. “The first 3 weeks is a test don't give up how much you pump is not how much you actually have, please take care of yourself and do not let your breast get so full, this will happen especially after having your baby it's why I couldn't do it the first time and second time it's not just put baby on breast and that's it. Educate yourself on breastfeeding and you will be successful” Stephanie A


  1. “Ignore everyone and trust yourself, except the professional help that you get if you run into issues, and don’t be afraid to ask for that professional help” Heather H


  1. “Listen to your baby more than anyone” Melissa S


  1. “Breastfeeding is 90% determination and only 10% supply” Jody M


  1. “Grab a glass of water before you sit down to nurse. Nothing worse than getting all set up and realizing you're thirsty too!” Laura S


  1. “Remember it's called breastfeeding not nipple feeding so get as much breast in as you can” Lala MC


  1. “You rub your nipple on their top lip so they open very wide then stuff it in quick!!” Lala MC


  1. “If at all possible, ask people to help you be able to sleep, eat lots of healthy things and drink lots of water. If they can help you to do those things they are helping you breastfeed successfully. Join a local support group for when you have questions!” Dominyk D


  1. “During growth spurts when baby wants to eat constantly, just go to bed and have an all day/night buffet. Supply will increase quickly and you get a much-needed rest. (Bring snacks!)” Lynn H


  1. “Don't be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes it's hard for both of you to figure it out. But maybe try a lactation consultant, the "expert" advice of friends and family may not be as encouraging as you hope” Rebecca DS


  1. “Join La Leche League and go to meetings. Read the book 'The womanly Art of Breastfeeding” Laura M


  1. “Give it 6 weeks, like any new skill it takes time to learn, for both you and your baby. Of course it's natural but it doesn't always come naturally, keep trying and it will all come together for both of you. Drink plenty of water and ask for help if you are struggling” Juliet R


  1. “Trust your instincts” Joanna P


  1. “Almost every breastfeeding problem will be helped/fixed by breastfeeding as often as possible. Don't break the momentum!!!” Anne W


  1. “Get support. A couple good people who will share and support your goals goes a long way!” Jean TM


  1. “Let nothing get between your baby and your boobs!” Chai K


  1. “Spend the first week resting as much as possible. You just had a baby, your body is recovering, your hormones are shifting. Stay in bed as much as possible! Keep baby skin to skin, and just work on nursing!! Let others take care of details. Or get a post partum doula!!!” Allison G


  1. “Don't be afraid to be the "extra needy" person with questions” Bethany M


  1. “Don't stare at the clock. It doesn't tell you how full your newborn/baby's belly is” Brittany A


  1. “It will hurt. I haven't met a mom yet where it didn't hurt. If it keeps hurting for ages, get help, but don't be discouraged and think you're failing when it hurts...” Kylie A


  1. “Put nipple cream on for a few months leading up to the birth, it helps moisturize the nipples and prevents all cracking and soreness” Rose S


  1. “Don't give up on your hardest day! Nursing may be natural and normal but it is also hard for some (a lot) of moms! You aren't alone in those struggles! Find support! Also, yes, it is normal for your infant to nurse what feels like constantly” Crystal M


  1. “Keep snacks at all of your nursing places... We even got a mini fridge for our bedroom upstairs so I can keep fruit and cold bottled water next to the bed for midnight nursing” Noel EM


  1. “Baby feeding "all the time" isn't a sign you aren't making enough milk. Neither is what you can pump” Sara G


  1. “Drink far more water than you think you'll need, and relax” Megan J


  1. “Get all the paperwork settled between your insurance company and durable medical goods supplier BEFORE baby is born. That way, you can go pick up your pump right after baby is born” Andrea E
  2. “It takes 4 to 6 weeks for both of you to learn how to do it, be patient, it will click one day soon. If you are having trouble, ask for help, if you want to learn carpentry, you ask a carpenter. Breastfeeding is no different, it's a learned skill so ask someone who's been there. You are doing a great job” Juliet R


  1. “Nipples need to build a callus just like hands do. Nurse one side a feeding to give them a break” Hazel IS


  1. “Give it time! This is a skill for both of you! It may come easy for one or both of you, it may be hard at first for one or both of you! Trust yourself, count the diapers and relax. I always had hard first months and then BLISS!” Kass K

  1. “Follow your instinct. That knows best! Believe in yourself and your baby. Care for the baby and let others care for you and your family. Don't listen to all others. When you feel insecure call LLL or an IBCLC” An F


  1. “Sit. Let other people bring you water. Let other people do the dishes. Let other people do the laundry. Just sit, and nurse” Joy MA


  1. “Don't overthink the amount and timing and try to keep track. Just trust your instincts and your baby. Keep putting baby to breast- anytime he/she is fussy, uncomfortable, etc. They know what and when they need you. Also, know that you and baby are still pretty much attached for a few more months” Stephanie H


  1. “Take your eyes off the clock. Because however often/long you are feeding for is normal. And it won't be whatever it says in "the book". And work out how to feed lying down” Alice JT


  1. “Watch baby, not the clock, not all women respond to a pump, cluster feeding is normal, nurse on demand- not on a schedule, it's hard work, their first few months especially, but so worth it” Marissa B


  1. “Trust your gut. You and this baby have been intimately connected for the better part of a year. You're the one who can feel what's going on. Pursue answers that satisfy you and your baby” Hannah M


  1. “Don't give up. If the baby wants to eat frequently, let him/her eat. La Leche is a great support group. Drink lots of water. And don't forget to relax and enjoy the bonding experience” Kealeana R


  1. “Attend LLL meetings prior to birth. If it hurts, get help asap. Small adjustments can make the world of difference!” Patricia V


  1. “The milk will come in. Please be patient” Tanya D


  1. “Nurse on demand. Be patient with yourself. Get help early! And stick with it. Had rough starts with both my kids but every day got better and by week 4, we were champs” Kass K


  1. “Make everyone take care of you because you are going to be tired and drained. Relax and realize you are doing something important. It's going to be hard some nights- you wake up while everyone gets to sleep to feed your baby. Your baby appreciates it and so many mothers are with you. Treat yourself well” Emily C.


  1. “Breastfeeding "shouldn't be painful", but while you and your newborn are learning to breastfeed and latch together, the beginning may have some growing pain moments that you will both learn from quickly” Jennifer M


  1. “Trust your body, trust your baby. Seek support if it hurts or if you have any questions at all. And if in doubt, offer boob” Gail N


  1. “Find a breastfeeding tribe and tune into your instincts - YOU know your baby best” Emily S


  1. “You have enough milk you don't need to top up unless you really want to baby is just cluster feeding to build supply” Rachel BA


  1. “Before you start, put a glass of water next to you, sounds simple but you gonna hate yourself if you forget it” Graziella B


  1. “It's not always easy. Get help when you need it and don't give up! Practicing safe bed sharing makes all the difference!” Janelle W.


  1. “There are lots of things that can go wrong, and it's ok. There are lots of people that can help” Dee L


  1. “Be patient with yourself and if you are struggling, see a lactation consultant, it's not supposed to hurt! And drink, drink, drink lots of water” Raeny I


  1. “Never give up on a bad day! It will get easier” Jessica P


  1. “How you tell yourself in your head is how you will start to feel. many moms around me when I was newly nursing with my first were all the time 'I wish that kid would leave me alone for five mins!' loads of complaining about being a parent. so I started acting like that and soon had little to no patients for my wee man. nursing my fourth knowing she was my last really set me free. I allowed myself to enjoy her fully. I thought almost always wonderful things about snuggling her and nursing her, about holding her all the time. I was FAR more content with my fourth when I could finally shuck off that toxic thinking Hazel IS


  1. “STICK WITH IT! It gets easier and it's worth it!” Ashley C


  1. “And dads, YOUR job is to always have a drink and snack next to a breastfeeding mom. Keep her water glass replenished on her night stand, and follow her around the house offering fruit, sandwiches, and other snacks. You do this, you earn valuable points. You don't do this.....well, why wouldn't you??” Andrea E


  1. “Breastfeeding can be like learning to drive. You learn the skills you need before you go on your own. You usually learn with one of your parents. Or an instructor. You don't just decide one day to jump into a car and drive off without guidance” Hellen H


  1. “If you're like me -- You will always be hungry. Hungrier than you ever were when pregnant. Keep cheese strings and Brookside chocolates near your bed because you will be starving when you wake up at 2 am to nurse. And thirsty, so keep a gallon of water nearby, too” Viki PG


  1. “Expect it to take time, for Bub to learn to latch on, for you to get used to it” Gigi S
  2. “Befriend another breastfeeding momma (or more) the support and confidence building is amazing!” Kate LD


  1. “Try and rest, don't do too much at once and take your time with feeding, it's worth it” Michelle A


  1. “Learn to nurse laying down! Saves your back and get some rest too!!” Abigail P


  1. “Don't wait to get help” Renee U


  1. “Don't buy formula and bottles 'just in case'. If it is needed (a doctor prescribes it) you can get it around the clock. If it is in the house you are much more likely to give in and 'top up' which often leads to sub-optimal breastfeeding, and stopping before you or your baby are ready” Erin JH


  1. “Trust your body and don't give up!” Alyssa R


  1. “Don't even let formula be an option. Don't take the formula samples home. Go into this with breastfeeding being the only option you have to feed your baby. With that perspective, you'll be surprised by the lengths you'll go to make breastfeeding work for you! That is just what worked for me as a first-time mom (11 years ago)” Anissa K


  1. “Keep baby close, wear baby, learn to nurse lying down and seek qualified help - not justify the opinions of well-meaning family and friends” Gloria F


  1. “Ignore the clocks, feed your baby when they ask for it... there is no such thing as overfeeding a breastfed baby” Danielle F


  1. “Get comfy! Make a Breastfeeding nest for yourself, pillows, a place for water and a snack, your phone, TV remotes, nipple cream. Also, you will spend a tremendous amount of time feeding, so just relax your expectations about getting anything else done” Allison G


  1. “When in doubt put baby to the breast. If that doesn't work it's probably their diaper, change your baby then put them to the breast” Brigitte A


  1. “Your baby will feed often at first to help get your milk established and because they've only got tiny tummies. This is totally normal and is not because you aren't satisfying them. Keep going and it will fall into place by 6 or so weeks!” Laura N


  1. “Don't supplement at the start, don't listen to anyone tell you to have to the first day, the first week, the first month. If your baby is period, they are getting milk and supplementing will just mess with establishing your supply. Trust your body, try 15 different positions if need be and try to relax. Drink lots of water, and yes, nipples bare in the sun 10 min a day does wonders” Blue R


  1. “Do what works for your whole family. Go with your instincts. 'Helpful' advice from relatives, etc. can be considered but you know yourself, your baby, and your family best” Lynn H


  1. “Drink lots of water. Make sure you are getting a good latch - if you feel unsure or not confident go get help. And keep trying - it takes time to get easier. Focus on you & the baby & nothing else” Krystal M.


  1. “Condition your nipple with a bit of expressed milk before baby latches, it helped me with the nipple stretching and baby seemed to latch better” Katie Y


  1. “Prepare yourself for the after pains that happen while nursing (especially with subsequent babies - it gets worse each time)! I found taking red raspberry leaf during pregnancy and postpartum helped significantly with the after pains” Shawna S


  1. “The sun is great for healing nipples. 10 mins topless in the morning feels nice & can help repair minor tears/cracks etc.” Helen M


  1. “Don't give up. It's hard. It hurts, and you may or may not cry because of it. But keep trying. It's so very worth it. You got this.” James B


  1. “Check baby's mouth for a tongue tie or a top or bottom lip tie. Especially if baby is struggling with nursing” Lorissa S


  1. “Go topless, use nipple cream, & breath” Vanessa S


  1. “Purchase a nipple shield before giving birth, and bring it to the hospital with you. You might discover you have flat nipples at 3 am with a crying hungry baby. This product can save your breastfeeding relationship. If you don't need it, you'll just be out $7-$10” Andrea E


  1. “I believe in nursing on demand, but was always nervous to nurse in public or around people, which made life so much more isolating and stressful. Once I got over public nursing and figured out how to do it comfortably, our life became less stressful and I had wished I got over it sooner. For me, wearing a nursing tank with a t-shirt over it, or baby wearing made it much easier and I was surprised that most people didn’t even realize I was nursing” Brigitte W.