Anniversary Celebrations begin Dec. 2nd!!!
November 29, 2013
December is a month full of celebrations, but this December is VERY special, as MamAmor Dolls is turning 5!!! We are very thankful for these last 5 years, we couldn't have done it without you! Thank you for supporting MamAmor Dolls and for believing, and sharing the message we bring to the world. Let’s celebrate our 5 years with a
MEGA GIVEAWAY!!!! We are giving away not one, or two...but
5 gorgeous dolls!!!!! One per each year of working towards normalizing birth, breastfeeding and babywering!

Exited? Please read about each Giveaway and stay tuned for more details here and in or
Facebook Page. Giveaway # 1 - Look Alike Giveaway (Monday Dec. 2nd) I will post a picture of one of these dolls on Monday Dec. 2nd at 12AM and you will have 48 hours to find a person who looks like the doll. The closest look alike gets the doll! Free doll, free shipping, anywhere in the world! Get your camera ready, I will need proof! (Photoshopers...stay away!) More details on this giveaway on Monday Dec. 2nd.
Giveaway # 2 - Story Telling Giveaway (Wed. Dec. 4th) I will post a picture of a second doll and you'll have 48 hours to write a Birth story about the doll. The best story will get the doll! Free doll, free shipping, anywhere in the world! More details on this giveaway on Wed. Dec. 4th.
Giveaway # 3 - Video Contest Giveaway (Friday Dec. 6th) I will post a picture of a third doll and you'll have until Monday Dec. 9th to create a short video telling us why you want to win a MamAmor. Include your kids, images, creative! The best video will get the doll! Free doll, free shipping, anywhere in the world! More details on this giveaway on Wed. Dec. 6th.
Giveaway # 4 - Pin to Win (Monday Dec. 9th) I will post a picture of a forth doll and you'll need to pin the picture in Pinterest. The winner will be selected randomly from all the people who pinned. Free doll, free shipping, anywhere in the world! More details on this giveaway on Monday Dec. 9th.
Giveaway # 5 - Nomination Giveaway - (Wed. Dec. 11th.) The last doll will be given to a person or family who gets more votes in our Nomination Board (more details on that Dec. 11th). This giveaway will take place in our Facebook Page. Free doll, free shipping, anywhere in the world! More details on this giveaway on Wed. Dec. 11th. Still Exited? Stay around for dates and more details! Subscribe to this blog, our
Newsletter and like our
Facebook page so you don't miss any details. While you wait, visit our
SHOP and take a pic of what is in stock. Share with your friends, you never know...there might be somebody looking for an exquisite gift for Christmas! Extremely exited? PS Please wait until the day indicated for more details on each giveaway. Questions will be answered only via email at Thank you!!!