Time to Grow!

February 17, 2012

Another year has arrived and MamAmor Dolls is still here, stronger than ever, and looking forward to a fantastic 2012!!! Hundreds of new dolls have found homes in different parts of the world last year, and hopefully many more will be joining them in the months to come!

This year is coming full of exiting projects and news for this little business...the first and most important is that we are going Wholesale! (yes...lots of dolls, for lots of people!). Scary...yes!, risky...yes!, challenging...YES! But totally worth it! I am determined to take the dolls to many more places around the world, but I will need your help!

Many of you are familiar with the amount of work, time and resources needed to run a small home business, and many of you might also know that taking the next step requires a lot of creativity, vision, resources and luck! So here we are....trying to take the next step.

I have started a Crowdfunding project to help Mamamor to take the initial step  to go Wholesale, but wait...this won't be a regular Wholesale..this will be Wholesale with a conscience, as we want to go Fair Trade!

Please read about this project and support this initiative by sponsoring it financially and/or by using social media, family, friends, colleagues, etc. to spread the word. The timeline is two weeks, 13 more days to go now! 

If the total amount isn't raised, MamAmor won't get anything, it is all or nothing. Every dollar counts! 

Follow THIS LINK to the project's description, sponsorship levels and REWARDS!!!  Yes...Check out the Amazing rewards!!!

For more information about Crowdfunding, check out other people's projects HERE and HERE

MamAmor's Project is the first project hosted by Springboard here in Canada!